We are honored to work with other state associations and county agencies to amplify our reach to ensure we provide the best services to the vulnerable California citizens we all serve. Our voices are stronger together.

The primary purpose of CSAC is to represent county government before the California Legislature, administrative agencies and the federal government. CSAC places a strong emphasis on educating the public about the value and need for county programs and services with the long-term objective to significantly improve the fiscal health of all California counties so they can adequately meet the demand for vital public programs and services.

The mission of the County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California is to assure the accessibility of quality, cost-effective, culturally competent behavioral health care for the people of the State of California by providing the leadership, advocacy, and support to public behavioral health programs.

CWDA is a nonprofit association representing the human service directors from each of California’s 58 counties. The Association’s mission is to promote a human services system that encourages self-sufficiency of families and communities, and protects vulnerable children and adults from abuse and neglect.

The California Elder Justice Coalition was created in 2008 to address systemic barriers to elder justice. In 2010, the group hosted the first state elder justice summit, which brought together 92 experts to explore challenges and solutions.

The Commission serves as “the principal advocate in the state on behalf of older individuals, including, but not limited to, advisory participation in the consideration of all legislation and regulations made by state and federal departments and agencies relating to programs and services that affect older individuals.” As such it is the principal advisory body to the Governor, State Legislature, and State, Federal and local departments and agencies on issues affecting older individuals in order to ensure a quality of life for older Californians so they may live with dignity in their chosen environment.

The mission of Legal Assistance for Seniors is to ensure the independence and dignity of seniors by protecting their legal rights through education, counseling, and advocacy. Our vision is for all seniors to live in dignity with the greatest possible independence, regardless of social or economic circumstances.


Our grantors provide key funding to help grow our Association services and ensure we offer the best in training opportunities and resources to help our members thrive.

We are excited by our first grant partnership with the California State Department of Social Services. These funds have helped the Association improve their services including upgrades to our website platform and member management system to ensure our members have the information they need when they need it.


At CA PA|PG|PC’s annual conference and regional trainings, our sponsors are the backbone of our success. Their generous funding empowers us to create dynamic content and host interactive events that make our conference and trainings both educational and enjoyable. Without their support, crafting the engaging and innovative experiences our attendees have come to expect would be impossible.

If you’re interested in joining this esteemed group of supporters and making a significant impact on our next conference or training, we invite you to learn more about becoming a sponsor. Click below to explore sponsorship opportunities and apply today! Your partnership can help shape our next unforgettable event.