CDSS Grant Funded Trainings

The Association is proud to announce another round of FREE industry specific trainings funded by a grant from the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). This long standing partnership with CDSS has allowed the Association to expand our training offerings to members and partners alike. Below we have outlined the difference between the two offerings.

Virtual Trainings 101

The purpose of the Association’s virtual trainings is to extend training beyond the basics and cover key Management & Supervisory training for our members and allied adult service partners.

These trainings can be attended from your worksite remotely via Zoom and cover a variety of topics such as Murphy Conservatorship Investigations and Diligent Searches to Locate Next of Kin to Summary Estates and so much more.

Below are a few reminders of policies for our members to receive credits when participating in a virtual course.

  • You must be registered for a course to receive credits. Courses are open for registration up to a day before the start of training. If you attend a training without registering – You will not receive credit
  • By signing up for a virtual training you are agreeing to be recorded
  • Members can not share a provided training link with others. Any member that joins via a shared link will not be given credit for a course
  • You must arrive no later than 5 minutes after the start of a class to receive credits. Any member that attempt to join after 5 minutes from the start of an online course will not be admitted
  • You must attend the entire course to receive credits
  • To receive credits the member’s first and last name must be visible on Zoom. A member can rename their profile by clicking on the 3 small dots next to their name and select “Rename” to change
  • Attendees are responsible for ensuring they have the received training links for any virtual trainings they have registered for. It is not the responsibility of the Executive Office to confirm receipt.

Virtual Training Dates

Upcoming virtual class dates for fiscal year 2023-24 include the following (Please check back often as we will be adding new dates soon!).

Registration for virtual events opens a month before the training date.


Academy Trainings 101

The purpose of the Association’s regional induction Academies is to provide training for county PA/PG/PC program staff and allied adult service partners. The induction Academy trainings ensure that county PA/PG/PC staff and their partners across the state have the professional skills necessary to conduct investigations and implement the appropriate interventions to ensure the health, safety and financial security of vulnerable elder and dependent adults and their estates. (You can download the full set of Academy FAQ’s for 2024 here)

Know of a partner agency who may benefit from the Association’s induction trainings? Please share our Academy flyer here which provides an overview of Academy courses and links to learn more.

What Classes Are Being Offered?

The academy courses will cover PA|PG|PC basics over a two-day training period. Workshops during those two days include:

  • PG|PC Basics (3 Credits): This workshop will cover the basic duties, responsibilities, and authorities of Public Guardians (PG) and Public Conservators (PC). It will also discuss relevant laws, code sections, and helpful tools and forms in order to ensure that members working within these roles are better equipped to meet their clients’ needs
  • PA Basics (2 Credits): This workshop will cover the basic functions, duties and authorities of the Public Administrator (PA). The training will also cover the California Probate laws and codes that govern decedent estate administration, the various types of cases and the process of investigating and managing those estates
  • Ethics 101 (2 Credits): This workshop is designed to provide a basic familiarity with public service ethical concepts and fiduciary duties including the distinctions between fiduciary duty and public service duty, the importance of public perception regarding your ethics and to encourage thinking beyond legal restrictions
  • Documentation 101 (2 Credits): This workshop will provide information regarding why it is critically important to document case management activities, including best practice tips, and what should or should not be documented, and why.
  • Court Accountings (2 Credits): This workshop will provide information on how to prepare a court accounting and the recommended Judicial Council forms needed to complete the court accounting from beginning to end
  • Inventory & Appraisals (2 Credits): This workshop will provide information on how to prepare a court inventory and appraisal. It will cover proper forms, how to determine when the I&A must be sent to the Probate Referee, as well as answer questions regarding how to appropriately value property.

Who Can Attend?

To ensure we are able to cover travel costs for as many members as possible, we are limiting the Academy courses as follows:

  • New members who require PA|PG|PC basic trainings
  • Members who require a refresher course on PA|PG|PC basics
  • Association partners

Please Note: Because of the limited seating at the Academy, attendees must be able to attend all workshops except for PA and PG|PC Basics of which members can choose to attend one or both courses. Any member that signs up for only 1-4 workshops at an Academy will have their registration removed and will receive an email notification of the change and can register for another Academy in the future when they can attend all workshops being given. Thank you.

How Do I Sign Up for an Academy Workshop?

When you are ready to register for the Academy, you can click on the View Classes button below or log into your Member365 account and from the member dashboard select Events/Event Calendar. Once you have selected which Academy dates you would like to attend click on the green registration button where you will be able purchase a ticket as well as select which workshops you will be attending that are part of that Academy. Once you have made your selections, hit the green SAVE button.

From there follow the rest of the registration process to complete your order. Once you are registered you will receive an email verification for your records. We will provide follow-up email reminders for the event as well as class materials to be downloaded closer to your training dates.

What Are the Travel Policies & Fees Covered?

The Association will cover certain travel costs based on state per diem rates found here or restrictions based on the CDSS grant budget which funds the Academies.

PLEASE NOTE: Member Counties and non-members are responsible for paying any cancellation costs for airfare (irrelevant of when the flight is canceled) and hotel rooms when canceling thirty (30) days prior to the training date they signed up for.


    • Hotel parking up to $35/day. Members will have to pick up any additional parking charges above the $35 allocated for reimbursement
    • Mileage to and from the training at the 2024 IRS rate of $0.67/mile. Must include confirmation of mileage by submitting Google directions. WE DO NOT REIMBURSE FOR CAR RENTALS
      • Map to show mileage must be from member’s work location, not home and
      • Mileage fee can only be reimbursed to the driver, not those that may be carpooling with another attendee)
    • Bridge tolls, if any, up to $13 roundtrip
    • Meals that can be reimbursed include:
      • Breakfast at $13/day (inclusive of tax & gratuity) and
      • Lunch at $15/day (inclusive of tax & gratuity)


    • Hotel accommodations will be covered by the Association. Attendees are responsible for ensuring they have a reservation with the hotel. Instructions on how to secure your room will be included with the email confirming your registration for the event.
      • Room incidentals will not be reimbursed. The only room fees covered by the Association include room and tax and the hotel service charge
      • The Association only covers up to 2 nights at the hotel
      • The member must work at least 51 miles or more away from the training location to receive reimbursement for a hotel room

    • Hotel parking up to $35/day, if driving. Members will have to pick up any additional parking charges above the $35 allocated for reimbursement
    • If driving, mileage to and from the training at the 2024 IRS rate of $0.67/mile not to exceed $450 round trip. Must include confirmation of mileage by submitting Google directions. WE DO NOT REIMBURSE FOR CAR RENTALS
      • Map to show mileage must be from your work location, not home
      • Mileage fee can only be reimbursed to the driver, not those that may be carpooling with another attendee

    • Bridge tolls, if any, up to $13 roundtrip
    • Airfare up to $450 round trip (inclusive of taxes & fees)
    • If flying, transportation to and from the airport up to $40 roundtrip (inclusive of gratuity)
    • Meals that can be reimbursed include:
      • Breakfast at $13/day (inclusive of tax & gratuity)
      • Lunch at $15/day (inclusive of tax & gratuity)
      • Dinner at $26/day (inclusive of tax & gratuity). We will reimburse members for two dinners only if they have a two-night stay booked at the hotel otherwise, only one dinner is reimbursable

Please Note: Rooms are on a first come, first serve basis. The Association cannot guarantee availability. If you have questions concerning this policy, please email our team at and someone will be more than happy to assist you.

How Do I Get Reimbursed For My Expenses?

You must complete the Association’s Academy expense report to be reimbursed for applicable expenses. All expense reports must be received by the Executive Office no later than 10 business days after the training date. Expense reports will not be processed after 10 days from training date, regardless of the reason for the delay.

Please send completed expense reports and all receipts bundled as one PDF to the Association’s training team at When sending the completed expense reimbursement form and applicable receipts please:

  • Name the document as follows: First Name Initial, Last Name, Location & Date (i.e. J.Smith.Sacramento.01.15-16.2024) and
  • In the email header please state your name, location and date of conference as follows: Expense Reimbursement Form for Joe Smith – Sacramento Academy Jan 15-16, 2024

Members must provide itemized receipts for all purchases including meals. Receipts that do not list the items purchased will not be reimbursed. A credit card statement is not a valid receipt for reimbursement purposes.

Academy Class Dates

Upcoming class dates in various regions of California for fiscal year 2024-25 include the below dates and locations. Registration opens 30 days prior to the start of each training. (Please check back often as we will be adding new dates soon!)

  • Basics & Leadership Academy: June 6-12, 2025 at the Hilton Long Beach Hotel. More information will be available in February 2025

Thank you in advance for helping us ensure our records are accurate by following the guidelines enclosed. Should you need additional assistance, please feel free to send us an email at You can check out our calendar for a full listing of events below.